In this day and age, there are a ton of CBD-based or cannabidiol-based products in the market. It’s basically everywhere, from skincare and coffee products to treats for your pets.
Because of its abundance, CBD has burst into today’s wellness market, making it almost a common sight for all.
If you’re new to CBD, it’s likely that you’re wondering what it’s all about. Generally, CBD stands for cannabidiol, the non-intoxicating cannabinoid that you can find in cannabis.
It has excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects, but despite its many uses, a lot of people still question its existence.
Questions like is it safe to use, what are its healing properties, can it really work? These are the common questions you’ll hear from people when they come across CBD and products related to it.
In this article, we will focus on all the important questions and vital information related to CBD. We’ll discuss what it is, its origins, the benefits, possible side effects, and more.
Before we delve deeper into the world of CBD, let’s first understand what CBD is.
Everything CBD – What’s It All About?
Let’s first identify what CBD is. To put it simply, CBD or cannabidiol is a plant compound with a ton of health benefits. What’s great about it is that CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects.
CBD stands for cannabidiol, and it’s the second most active ingredient of cannabis.
Generally, CBD is an essential compound of medicinal marijuana. It’s a direct by-product from the hemp plant, which is the cousin of the marijuana plant. In addition, CBD is a naturally-present element of hemp.
While CBD is considered as one of the elements coming from marijuana, on its own, it doesn’t give a high.
CBD is among more than 60 naturally occurring cannabinoid elements present in cannabis. It is primarily extracted from agricultural hemp plants.
It is the most ample, non-psychoactive (meaning, it won’t give you a high) cannabinoid present in cannabis. It’s often consumed to support and improve your overall wellness and health.
CBD is also present in the marijuana plant, hemp’s cannabis cousin. However, there’s a lesser amount of it and instead, has more THC content which causes a high.
Hemp is a legal plant which is defined as any cannabis sativa L. variety according to the USDA. It contains THC compounds that don’t go above 0.3%.
Technically, CBD isn’t a drug. It fits the description of a psychoactive element that can slightly shift your mood and perception.
However, it’s good to note that compared to weed, CBD does not cause intoxication. It’s a non-intoxicating element, so it won’t stimulate the levels of psychological and sensory effects that THC gives.
Hemp VS Marijuana – What’s Their Difference?
Until today, there are still numerous regulations concerned with growing hemp. Yet while it’s legal and marijuana isn’t, the whole issue between the two caused lots of discussions to come about.
Generally, hemp and marijuana are the same plant and are unique names for the same genus and species, cannabis.
When it comes to the difference between them, hemp has no more than 0.3% of THC by dry weight. For the marijuana plant, they often contain 5% to 20% THC. With that, hemp won’t make you high, but marijuana will.
Also, note that THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the psychoactive substance in marijuana.
To avoid confusion, cannabis plants that have 0.3% or less THC are hemp. On the other hand, cannabis plants with more than 0.30& of THC are marijuana.
Some people get confused between cannabidiol and cannabis. So to make it easier for everyone, cannabis is the scientific term for hemp. When it comes to cannabidiol, it’s the chemicals present in the cannabis plant.
Both CBD and THC are present in the cannabis plant, but despite this, they’re extremely different from one another.
THC is psychoactive and is linked to the high you get when utilizing the intoxicating marijuana. On the other hand, CBD doesn’t give any of that effect or sensation when used.
It’s good to remember that marijuana is a slur or slang referring to the cannabis plant with high THC levels. When cannabis has lower THC, specifically less than 0.3%, it’s the legal hemp.
To completely end the confusion, hemp and marijuana are plants coming from the same species. However, hemp or cannabis Sativa has a different content.
It only has small amounts of THC, while marijuana has a lot of it present. Marijuana has high doses of THC, while hemp has lots of CBD. Not only that, but hemp and CBD are federally legal, unlike marijuana, which is only legal in certain states.

The History of Cannabidiol
Due to the lengthy periods of cannabis prohibition, some people assume that CBD’s therapeutic benefits are just recent discoveries. That’s actually far from the truth.
Throughout the centuries, hemp plants were used for medicinal purposes all over the world. Folk remedies and ancient medicines refer to the plant’s roots, leaves, and seeds when it comes to healing values.
Hemp’s seeds and flowers were said to be ideal for difficult childbirth, arthritic joints, dysentery, insomnia, and more.
The First Use of CBD as Medicine
The first documented utilization of cannabis-based medicines date all the way back to 2737 BC.
It was when the Chinese emperor, Sheng Nung, utilized cannabis-infused tea for curing various ailments. These included malaria, gout, rheumatism, and memory problems.
During her reign, Queen Victoria was said to have utilized CBD to get relief from menstrual cramps.
Throughout history, cannabis was a valuable therapeutic resource. Yet during the appearance of modern medicine, it wasn’t further recognized due to its lack of scientific evidence.
The Early Discovery of Cannabinoids
Almost after a century of publishing O’Shaughnessy’s study, advancements in technology and research displayed the presence of compounds in cannabis.
The very first discovery of cannabinoid was during the time Robert S. Cahn, a British chemist, reported about it. He revealed a limited structure of CBN or cannabinol, which he later identified as completely formed in the year 1940.
After two years, the American chemist Roger Adams successfully isolated the very first cannabinoid, which is CBD. In addition, his research was responsible for discovering THC.
People take CBD for different reasons. For others, they take it to improve and better their overall well-being.
Since there are large amounts of CBD in hemp, it works effectively with some of your body’s receptors. These are called the ECS or endocannabinoid systems.
Based on studies, ECS is linked to a ton of essential jobs. These include balancing your appetite, the anti-inflammatory response, mood, and immune system. Plus, it helps regulate your anxiety levels, sleep schedule, and more.
To put it simply, ECS helps keep your body in homeostasis and balance.

CBD for Treatment, What Can It Do?
Since the growth in popularity of CBD, tons of scientific studies have appeared. Based on them, these state that CBD products like oil are ideal for treating various forms of epilepsy.
Now, based on non-scientific anecdotal proof, CBD is great for the treatment of discomfort. Plus, it’s ideal for treating different forms of illnesses.
Those suffering from cancer, epilepsy, body aches, and anxiety preach about the CBD molecule. But with the different misconceptions on cannabis, they’ve basically prevented a ton of long-term studies in lots of isolated cannabinoids.
Because of this occurrence, these anecdotal claims were left unexplored until recently.
In other studies, these showed that CBD helps people with sleep problems. It makes them fall and stay asleep when taken. Also, CBD has aided in the cure of chronic pains and inflammation because of conditions like arthritis.
According to the World Health Organization or WHO, CBD comes with other positive benefits that help a variety of issues. The organization says that there’s preliminary evidence that CBD can work for treating other kinds of medical conditions.
CBD for the Body – How it Works
CBD communicates with the body in a variety of processes. One of the main ways it helps the body is by augmenting the effects of such cannabinoids.
CBD mainly interacts with your endocannabinoid system. It’s a group of cannabinoid receptors in your body, yet are mainly clustered in your brain and central nervous system.
These are compounds found in the body that are said to be similar to the compounds in a cannabis plant. The endocannabinoids that were mentioned are what experts refer to as the endocannabinoid system.
While CBD is a plant-based cannabinoid (phytocannabinoid), your body can naturally create these, and they’re called endocannabinoids. Almost every organ in the body has cannabinoid receptors, including your skin and the digestive tract.
The endocannabinoid system has four main uses. These are for your immune system, stress relief, neuroprotection, and regulating your body’s state of balance. It also aids in regulating the impacting faculties like sleep, appetite, pain, and mood.
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Compared to THC, CBD doesn’t directly interact with the two forms of classic cannabinoid receptors, CB2 and CB1. This is the reason why CBD doesn’t cause and forms of psychoactive effects or high.
Instead, it restricts enzymes that break down the endocannabinoid. This leads to a boost in your body’s natural cannabinoids.
So basically, CBD can greatly aid your body when it comes to helping itself.
When it comes to the ECS or endocannabinoid system, it plays an essential role in the body. It is beneficial when it comes to adjusting, as well as regulating a vast range of physiological processes.
These can greatly affect your daily experience, including your mood, energy levels, bone density, blood pressure, and more. In addition, it can greatly affect how you can experience pain, stress, hunger, sadness, and more.
If the ECS doesn’t function properly, efficiently, and how it should, negative effects on your body will be present. It will then result in a chronically deficient or overactive ECS, which in the end, will cause diseases.
Yet with innovative and leading sciences, these exhibited that ECS is dysregulated in most pathological conditions.
In some publications in the year 2014, US NIH scientists Pal Pacher and George Kunos proposed a few things related to ECS. They suggested that modulating the ECS’ activity likely has beneficial potentials against most diseases that affect people.
By performing these to the ECS and enhancing the endocannabinoid tone, CBD may decrease or stop the progress of diseases.
Evidence of CBD Health Benefits
According to numerous scientific research, CBD has a lot of therapeutic properties and is reported to treat various health conditions.
Israeli researchers and scientists believe that CBD can help treat type 2 diabetes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Since chronic inflammation results in insulin resistance, CBD could improve your metabolism by treating inflammation. With that, it can ward off diabetes.
Scientists believe that CBD’s actions in the body could be modified to focus on other receptors. They also think that the compound can treat other conditions caused or worsened by inflammation.
For decades, THC has been approved as a therapy for nausea caused by cancer treatment. It comes in various forms that are prescribed to cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy.
In several researches, it is shown that CBD may be as effective for treating nausea. It interacts with receptors that give off the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is partly the cause of nausea. When taken in minimal doses, CBD can reduce the symptoms of nausea.
Moreover, CBD has an acidic form called CBDA. Based on early studies on animals, it may be a more effective drug than CBD or THC in preventing nausea.
When it comes to the benefits of CBD, the biggest scientific evidence is its capacity to treat epilepsy issues. These include Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS), which usually don’t react to anti-seizure medications.
Several studies have shown that CBD successfully decreased or completely stopped the seizures.
For people who suffer from insomnia, CBD helps them easily fall asleep and stay asleep; plus, it addresses anxiety.
Studies from 2015 concluded that CBD can be highly beneficial for those who suffer from cocaine, opioid, and psychostimulant addiction. Plus, research suggests that it can aid in treating tobacco addiction as well.
It has the potential ability to relieve anxiety, which leads to drug craving like heroin.
It is shown that when CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it prevents the body from absorbing anandamide. This endogenous cannabinoid is a pain-regulating compound.
Instead, CBD leads the excess quantities of anandamide into the bloodstream to lessen pain.
Additionally, Cannabidiol may act on specific spinal receptors to relieve inflammation and suppress pain. CBD is seen to have anti-inflammatory properties for both humans and animals.
Aside from inflammation, CBD may be an option for chronic pain treatment. In a study, CBD is shown to reduce arthritis pain. Another study demonstrates the mechanism of CBD, where it inhibits inflammatory and neuropathic pain.
These are some types of chronic pain that are most difficult to treat.
CBD can help treat several dementia-related conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Vascular Dementia, and more. Aside from these, it can help address other nervous diseases like Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Studies from 2017 show that cannabinoids like CBD can remove dementia and increase the brain cells’ connection. Evidence in these conducted studies have been found, and numerous laboratories have validated these results.
As of now, the US Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve a CBD-based drug to treat dementia.
To learn more about what CBD does to the brain, click here
A lot of people suffer from acne, which is one of the most common skin ailments. It has a lot of causes, including genetics, bacteria, underlying inflammation, stress, diet, hormones, and sebum overproduction.
Recent scientific studies show that CBD oil’s anti-inflammatory properties may help address acne.
Additionally, it can reduce sebum production by stopping the sebaceous gland cells from secreting excessive sebum. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD prevent the activation of acne agents.
In another study, there are similar findings that prove CBD’s safety and effectiveness in treating acne. According to claims, cannabinoid has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
Although these conducted studies provide promising results, more research on CBD’s effects and benefits is still necessary.
In reperfusion and chronic myocardial ischemia, CBD is shown to be cardioprotective. It has a tissue-sparing effect in these situations.
According to British researchers, CBD reduced ischemia-induced arrhythmias in rats when it was given before the ischemia. With the results of this research, Cannabidiol may be beneficial for patients suffering from various heart conditions.
The Different Forms of CBD Administration
CBD has become popular in the medical community due to its healing benefits without THC’s adverse side effects. With that, a lot of individuals today are using CBD in various forms. As mentioned, it comes as a tincture, a vaporizer, and more.
Now, we’ll let you know how CBD is administered.
Inhalation is the most effective way to administer CBD, which is why it’s used for acute symptoms requiring immediate attention. Inhaling concentrated CBD-rich cannabis quickly takes effect within 2-3 minutes.
Its effects last up to one or two hours.
You can utilize CBD vapes from trusted brands like “A Gift of Nature”. They usually come in cartridges, pods, and disposable pens.
For body pain, you can apply Regall CBD’s products topically. Other CBD products administered on the skin come in plasters, patches, or adhesive bandages.
You can also take CBD orally in the form of gummies, capsules, shots, or honey sticks. Oral administration is usually done to ease anxiety.
Top brands like Royal CBD offer these types of edible CBD products.
There are non-inhalable options like CBD wax and gel caps. Usually, CBD users prefer this over inhalable forms.

Are There Any Side Effects When Using CBD?
When using CBD, it doesn’t appear to have negative side effects, such as getting high, unlike with THC. Plus, CBD’s under research for antipsychotic and anti-anxiety effects.
To begin with, don’t worry about asking if CBD will get you high or not. A lot of people ask us about it multiple times, and it’s a great question. After all, it’s better to be aware of what’s happening in our bodies and how things will affect us, right?
So with that, let’s focus on the question, “Will CBD make you high?”. The answer here is absolutely not.
While THC is psychoactive, it can cause lethargy, dysphoria, sedation, and other negative side effects. When it comes to CBD, it’s completely non-psychoactive and will offer healing properties that won’t get you high.
Not only that, but CBD will not give you any feelings of sedation and the like.
But of course, there may be some exceptions since everyone reacts to things differently. That can also be the case when it comes to CBD.
Generally, you’ll never know how your body reacts to new supplements. So if it’s your first time taking CBD, we suggest that you take it under supervision.
Not only that, but it’s important to purchase CBD products that are safe and come from trusted brands. Make sure that they’ve been tried and tested by third parties for adequate quality assurance.
Generally, CBD is safe, especially for adults. And although it doesn’t cause any forms of intoxication, it may have other side effects in rare cases. These include nausea, fatigue, and irritability.
Other possible effects are drowsiness, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, and dry mouth.
While it may be safe for adults, the effects of CBD can be different for children and those under 21. So basically, underage individuals shouldn’t utilize cannabis on a regular basis.
The right doses for children are still unclear, and additional research is necessary for this area.
CBD for Patients with Liver Disease
In some reports, patients who took CBD were shown to have signs of liver injury. However, these cases were not common.
It is possible that cannabidiol interacts with particular drugs, so it’s recommended to consult your doctor before taking CBD.
In one research, 10% of the tested patients developed high liver enzymes. With that, they had to stop the intake of CBD. However, another study shows that CBD improves liver function.
If using CBD, patients suffering from liver diseases may need to consume lower doses compared to other patients and users.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
When it comes to pregnant and breastfeeding women, it’s best to avoid CBD products. It can be unsafe since these may be contaminated with other ingredients that can be harmful to the child.

Is CBD Legal?
With the stigma regarding the use of cannabis, people usually ask if it’s legal to take CBD.
The medical use of cannabis is legal in all 50 states of the US. However, recreational use is only legal in selected states.
With the legalization of the drug, it has been easier for scientists and doctors to conduct more studies.
Evidence on the safety and health benefits of CBD still continues to grow until today. Studies and research are still being conducted for us to know more about CBD.
It’s likely that there are new and undiscovered benefits and issues when it comes to long-term use of CBD.
Does CBD Work?
Technically, it works effectively since there is numerous evidence that it works for certain conditions. However, it’s best to note that not all conditions and illnesses can be treated with CBD.
There is numerous evidence claiming that it works for people with sleeping disorders. They also claim that CBD helps people suffering from anxiety, fibromyalgia, and muscle spasticity. The latter is linked to a number of sclerosis.
Some physicians note that the biggest benefit of utilizing CBD is its treatment of sleep disorders, pain, and anxiety.
Not only that, but CBD appears to have decreased side effects, unlike other medications that are available today.
But despite all the advantages and benefits, experts still continue studying about CBD and its clinical benefits.
If you’re already set on using CBD, then take the time to check out the products you plan to purchase.
Make sure that these come from legitimate and trusted shops/brands. This is because some CBD products that are sold don’t have the contents written on the label.
There are times when there are lesser amounts of CBD than what they claim.
Today, the stigma surrounding CBD has died down since its use has been legalized for medical purposes. Every year, the science behind CBD becomes stronger. Plus, more people are experiencing the health benefits of CBD and are sharing their stories.
While CBD has a lot of health benefits, remember that it still comes with risks, just like all types of medications. Keep in mind that high doses of CBD can cause drug interactions and negative side effects. If you are planning to try CBD, monitor your health first, and always consult your doctor before doing so.
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